Tuesday, June 6, 2023

What happens in Meditation?

What happens in Meditation?

There was once a rich girl who had a nice big house with a huge indoor garden right in the middle of the house with an open space for sunlight to enter. The open space let the butterflies, the bees and the birds to come in and adorn the flowers and make it even more beautiful. 

The open space also allowed the mosquitoes and the rodents to enter the garden and the house and spoil the beauty of it. The girl decided to invest in a huge net around the garden to keep the rodents away from entering the house. The same net that was supposed to keep the rodents away, kept the butterflies and the bees and birds away. However, interestingly, the rodents still continued to dig in through the ground and entered the garden and spoiled it. Without the bees and the butterflies, the garden lost its look and the charm.

This is exactly what happens with our rich minds which is like a beautiful garden, completely under our control, right in the middle of our own being. Just in order to keep the unnecessary thoughts and judgements away, we put up energetic barriers around our own selves, thinking this will protect us from getting hurt and keeps us safe and comfortable. Every time, someone says something, our barriers immediately go up. Every time we have a judgement about us or others, the barriers go up. 

The same energetic barriers that we have put around us to protect us from getting hurt, is also keeping away the abundance from flowing into us. The abundant universe is always waiting to gift everything we ever ask for and even more happily. However, the barriers keep us stuck within our own comfort zone and our beliefs limit us from manifesting our own desires. 

Just imagine, the kind of huge energetic barriers we have built around us knowingly or unknowingly. Not just our thoughts, just imagine, every judgement, expectation, projection, rejection, separation, conclusion, computation that we have about us or others and others have about us or themselves, that we have picked up and made it our own and put up a barrier against them. It is huge, layers and layers of barriers and all inter related which could easily take several life times to dissolve it.

Now imagine by bringing your awareness on your breath and meditating, in that very moment, you are emptying the mind and reducing the thoughts and by doing so the barriers start coming down or start falling apart and dissolving on its own. As we continue to mediate consistently, the energies holding the barriers together starts falling apart and every limiting belief removed starts bringing down the other beliefs and barriers like a huge deck of cards falling apart when one card is removed. 

As the barriers start falling apart, the abundance which was always waiting there to enter the garden, will start flowing in all areas of our life and not just benefit us, and also everyone inside the house, just like when the butterflies return to the garden and the flowers start blooming, everyone in the house gets to enjoy the beauty and the fragrance and the colours. 

- Savitha Reddy
02 June 2023

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