Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Collection of short Poems!

All my dreams r coming true,
how it is… I have no clue.
Now all that I need to do,
is do more of what I do!!

The more I do,
the more I grew.
So I took the cue,
And off I flew!!

As I flew,
I saw a different hue.
It was blue and I knew,
In my heart I was always true!

Be what you are,
n do what you do.
You’ll soon be a star,
and know it is true!!

If you try something with all your heart,
you can’t help but always be smart.
Do what you do and give your best,
That’s the secret n you’ll always be blessed!

Too much of anything, they say is not good,not sure why, this I have never understood.
If you really enjoy something that you would,
Isn't it fun to do it as much as we could..?

They say, take the less trodden path and leave a trail,
When you do something different, not sure why they wail.
Is it because, they are always afraid we might fail..?
but without failing even once, is it possible to set a sail?

It is very difficult to say a good bye,
to something that gives you a high.
May be this is the reason why,
we need to be careful when we fly!!

Writing one poem a day,
makes it 30 poems in May.
If in a year, we have 366 days,
why does a circle, have only 360 rays?
Did maths, really fail to hit that extra six,
and put our dear earth, in a major fix?
Until someone helps maths to score,
I’ve decided, not to write any more!!   
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!
To each and every one of you.
Without you all providing me the venue,
I wouldn’t have been able to renew,
my interests and passions, anew!!

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