Saturday, May 18, 2024

7 Essene Mirrors of Relationships

Essenes were an ancient mystic tribe who flourished in the area of Middle East where Jesus Christ lived, from the 1st century BC to the 2nd century AD, and were popular for their Dead Sea Scrolls. They mastered the art of relationships. 

Everything we experience in our life is a mirror reflection of what is happening within our mind. The thoughts, beliefs, and judgments deep within our subconscious mind is reflecting in people, things, and situations around us. So to change anything in our life, we need to go within and change the thoughts and beliefs within us. Otherwise, we keep attracting the same situations and people who keep reflecting our innermost beliefs. They come into our lives to help us heal and be better versions of ourselves. The 7 mirrors are:

1. Mirror of the Moment - What is happening outside of us at this exact moment is what is happening within us right now. Why did we attract this situation into our life at this moment? Our thoughts create our reality. 
For ex., if we are stuck in a traffic jam and we are angry about it, we need to go within and see what triggered that anger. What is actually my state of mind? We need to look at the emotion behind the situation. We need to go back and see where did that anger get created in the first place. What happened now is just an expression of that anger that has crossed the threshold point. The anger was always there at a lower degree and when it crosses the threshold point it explodes or manifests in the outside world.
The root is the thought and thoughts lead to emotion and emotions affect the body. When we change the thought, we release the emotions and heal our body.

2. Mirror of Judgement - Whatever we judge about ourselves shows up in people and situations around us. Sometimes, same kind of people or situations keep showing up in our lives again and again. We need to go within and see what is the emotional charge that we have towards them.
For ex., if we strongly dislike people who are lazy or cheat or tell lies or are arrogant, then we keep coming across people who are arrogant or same situation keeps repeating where we get cheated.
They are reflecting to us or holding a mirror to show us that deep within we carry an emotional charge towards this. It shows we are judging the same characteristics about us. To change this, we need to go within and accept and heal this within ourselves. When we change the cause within us, the effect in the outer world stops showing up.

The mirror of moment and the mirror of judgment are very close to each other. Anything that keeps repeating again and again is the mirror of judgment. The mirror of the moment keeps changing from moment to moment. 

3. Mirror of Loss - This mirror reflects something that you lost or something that you gave away and still regret as you have not given it away completely. You are still holding on to it or healing the loss that you gave away. It also reflects anything that was forcibly taken away from you. These things will keep coming back into your life in the form of people, and circumstances until you completely heal and make peace with it. 
For example, property taken away forcibly from you or a person taken away. If you have not fully accepted it, the same situations will keep repeating just to reflect that would within you. 

4. Mirror of the most forgotten love - This mirror reflects or represents those aspects about us which are about unfinished work that we have started and not completed. This is not necessarily connected to romantic love. It can be about the particular kind of work that we do.
For example, someone who was supposed to be an artist and instead went on to become something else. This is also a place from where our deep compulsions and obsessions emerge. In all our work there is an inner compulsion and obsessions we have at various degrees. To a lesser or greater extent, each one of us have this. Someone may be a compulsive talker or be obsessed about safety or cleanliness. Whatever we have missed out doing that we most loved, will now manifest in other ways in the way we do things.

5. Mirror of mother and father - When we are kids, our parents mean the world to us like gods. So we end up becoming those things that we dislike in our parents. We become what we dislike. We end up marrying our mothers and fathers. Whatever is unresolved within us, we get attracted to a partner who has these qualities. Nature works on healing us all the time, so it gives us opportunities to overcome them by bringing in people who reflect what we dislike. The end goal for us is to become one with everything and everyone. So till we accept this, the same people keep coming back into our lives.  

6. Dark night of the soul - We all have some deep fears and insecurities within us that we fear the most. We are scared to face our own inner demons. For example, loneliness or fear of finances, death etc. Different people have different fears. It can also be feelings of self-worth, low self-esteem etc. 
Find out what are your worst fears and face them, resolve them, share them, heal and over come them so they don't affect you or hold you back anymore.

7. Mirror of compassion or self-perception - If we don't have compassion for ourselves, we can never have compassion for anyone else. Like Buddha said, if we can't love ourselves, we cannot love anyone. This is the subtlest mirror and if we can master this(theoretically speaking), then all other mirrors can be overcome.
This is a mirror that states that there is a divine order in everything. Whatever we experience in life, both good and bad are perfect. We need to drop the judgment that something is right or wrong and also overcome the expectations and limitations set by others. When we view an outcome as a success or a failure, we have applied an external yardstick. The point of reference needs to come from self. 

These mirrors are not just positive self-talk. They are the areas that need deep healing and change. These are the subconscious beliefs that are holding us back and manifesting in external life situations, Only positive suggestions will not help. At some point or the other, we need to confront these inner subtle demons and overcome them to heal and move ahead to be better versions of ourselves.

If there is meaning in life at all, then there must be meaning in suffering. That meaning is found when we reach a place of equanimity. The meaning of our existence and the principles that we use to guide our life is in our hands. The freedom to choose rests with us. The ability to accept everything that happens in our life is part of the divine order of things, it is part of the grand scheme of life. We need to accept everything as it is without any judgment or allow life to flow through us or guide us without getting carried away. That place of balance is the ultimate freedom and liberates us completely. That's why it is called the Middlepath. 

For further reading:

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